Category: General

Crunchy Munchy Sensational Snacks

March is National Nutrition Month and our school is celebrating crunchy, munchy sensational snacks.  During the month, we will be promoting healthy eating through PA announcements  and hosting Healthy Snack Workshops on Tuesday, March 24th & Wednesday, March 25th.

Fruits and vegetables are great snacks and Canada’s Food Guide recommends eating plenty of them. Half our plates should be made up of vegetables ... Continue reading "Crunchy Munchy Sensational Snacks"

Light It Up Blue on Thursday, April 2nd for Autism Awareness Day!

Join STA and Autism Speaks as we honor more than 70 million people worldwide affected by autism. Help us raise awareness and advocate for the needs of people with autism.

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020  is Autism Awareness Day. Wear Blue to show your support!

What is Autism? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of ... Continue reading "Light It Up Blue on Thursday, April 2nd for Autism Awareness Day!"

Lots of Socks-World Down Syndrome Day – March 23 at STA

Monday, March 23 is STA Down Syndrome Day.  Wear mismatched socks to show your support!

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate people with Down Syndrome around the globe. In 2012, the United Nations decided to select March 21st, the 3rd month of the year, as WDSD, to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st ... Continue reading "Lots of Socks-World Down Syndrome Day – March 23 at STA"

Earth Hour at STA

This Saturday, March 28th at 8:30pm, we are encouraged to power down (lights, electronics, appliances), for one hour to support the Earth Hour 2020 campaign. Here at STA we will be supporting this event on Friday, March 27th from 11am till noon. All classes will turn off their lights, computers, iPads, and any other appliances that use energy. Our Eco Team will be ... Continue reading "Earth Hour at STA"

HOZA! Heart Wisdom School Performance – Monday March 2, 2020

As a culminating activity for Black history month, we have invited HOZA to come to our school on Monday, March 2nd, for a Heart Wisdom performance. Hoza is an African word that we take to mean STOP, START or CHANGE!  HOZA!  provides schools with experiences that help participants to better love themselves, others, and our environment. Their programs rely on Creative Mediation and introduce ... Continue reading "HOZA! Heart Wisdom School Performance – Monday March 2, 2020"

STA Carnaval D’Hiver: Feb. 10 – 14, 2020

The St. Thomas Aquinas winter carnaval is coming soon!  During our Carnaval d’hiver there will be many exciting activities, including themed spirit wear days!  Students will earn spirit points for their class by dressing according to theme.  The class with the most points at the end of the week will win a prize! Other activities include: X Dance Movement, X Dance Community Night, special visits ... Continue reading "STA Carnaval D’Hiver: Feb. 10 – 14, 2020"